WSB raises over $100,000 for local community charities
The consulting firm’s WSB Gives program has raised nearly $500,000 since 2012.
Engineering and consulting firm WSB announced today that they have raised $104,895 for local charities as part of their annual WSB Gives program, surpassing last year’s donation by over $25,000.
The WSB Gives program supports local community organizations throughout the firm’s office locations in Minnesota, North Dakota, Texas and Colorado. The donations benefit several organizations including Second Harvest Heartland, Channel One Food Bank, Friends in Need Food Shelf, 360 Communities, Catholic Charities, Houston Food Bank, Operation Sandwich, Food Bank of the Rockies, , Austin Food Bank, Every Meal and more.
“Supporting those in need throughout the communities we serve is more important now than ever,” said WSB’s president and CEO Bret Weiss. “Everyone has a little more against them right now and despite it all, we rallied and raised a record high. I am so proud of our staff’s commitment to charitable giving and am truly humbled by their generosity.”
WSB Gives is part of WSB’s overall charitable giving program called WSB Cares. This year, WSB staff contributed to WSB Gives through volunteering, cash donations, nonperishable food and clothing donations, a virtual auction and a raffle.
Since 2012, WSB has partnered with the Engineering CEOs of Minnesota to compete against one another in the annual food drive. This event is an opportunity for the industry to focus their competitive spirts on raising money for those in need. Collectively, the group has raised over $272,000 this year and nearly $2 million since 2012 for over 40 charities and food shelves.

Bret Weiss, WSB president & CEO, 2020 recipient of ACEC MN’s President’s Award

Bret Weiss, WSB’s President and CEO, was presented the 2020 President’s Award by the American Council of Engineering Companies – Minnesota Chapter (ACEC MN).
Weiss’ involvement in ACEC MN extends beyond their annual membership program. His extensive background in engineering and leadership in the Minnesota business community has created many opportunities for a strong partnership to be forged. Weiss is committed to the advancement of infrastructure to support our communities and it’s through a commitment to strong partnerships and collaboration that this work is possible.
The President’s Award recognizes an individual annually who has made a significant contribution to ACEC MN’s organization.

Dan Pfeiffer, Director of Public Engagement, to join Midwest Chapter of the International Association for Public Participation USA Board

The Midwest Chapter of the International Association for Public Participation USA (IAP2) Board recently announced that Dan Pfeiffer, WSB Director of Public Engagement, will join their Board of Directors for a two-year term beginning in January 2021.
Pfeiffer worked with IAP2 previously as a non-member on their training committee policy development. Prior to joining WSB, he served in the United States Army 2002-2006 and the Minnesota National Guard 2006-2008. Pfeiffer brings more than ten years of experience to IAP2, working to develop strategic communication and engagement strategies to inform the public on important decisions in transportation infrastructure.
As a new Board member, he is driven to deliver thoughtful leadership and leverage his background in public policy to advance public participation in government decision-making. Pfeiffer believes his involvement in “IAP2 and the Midwest Chapter is more important than ever as governments of all levels seek to rebuild trust with communities and achieve equitable outcomes.”
The IAP2 Midwest Chapter includes members residing in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.
A full list of the 2021 IAP2 Midwest Chapter Board of Directors can be found here.