January 29, 2024

We are proud to announce that Jim Gromberg, Economic Development Coordinator, was recently awarded the 2023 Economic Developer of the Year. The Economic Development Association of Minnesota (EDAM) honored Jim with this award at the 2024 Winter Conference in Bloomington, MN. This Association recognizes projects and professionals in the economic industry who have gone above and beyond or overcame significant challenges in the last year. This is a career achievement for Jim, and we are honored to have him receive this award through his work at WSB.
EDAM champions economic development through education, collaboration, and advocacy. This is a professional association of individuals and organizations throughout the state of Minnesota that provides economic development professionals a forum for exchanging information and staying abreast of current economic development strategies and practices as well as valuable networking and educational opportunities. EDAM members are leading economic developers in the state of Minnesota. EDAM consults with the state on public policy issues related to economic development and helps continually define and improve the profession.