25 stories for 25 years | Emily Brown

On October 5, 2020, WSB will celebrate our 25th year in business. Since 1995, we’ve added new service areas, expanded our reach and served our communities.  Throughout our tenure, our dedicated staff has been a constant.

In honor of our 25th year, we’ll be highlighting 25 stories of the people behind the projects.

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Emily Brown, Municipal Project Manager | Joined WSB in 2015

What do you think is special about celebrating 25 years as a company? 

What is impressive about 25 years is that in many ways WSB still feels like a young company. There is such a focus staying nimble and finding ways to improve our business. I think that focus on not just hitting milestones but continuing to improve and seek out new opportunities is what makes WSB special and makes me excited for the next 25 years.

In what ways have you been able to grow professional at WSB?

Part of the reason I came to this company five years ago was to find more opportunities to lead projects and work directly with clients. Since I’ve been here, I’ve been encouraged to take the lead on projects and have been supported when new challenges have come along. WSB has given me a home where I have and continue to expand my expertise and reach new goals.

What WSB value do you connect most with? (Bold, Visionary, Authentic, Passionate, Optimistic)

I really connect with our commitment to authenticity at this company. I think trust is such an important aspect of our interactions with clients, other companies, our industry and the public. We build trust by being authentic to who we are, what we know and how we commit to the work.

What about your work gives you energy?

I am very fortunate to be able to directly see my work come to life on a project. I get to see every step in the project life cycle and see how it supports the lives of those in the community. Working closely with city staff, contractors and residents gives me an opportunity to resolve issues on the fly and think creatively. I love being able to have a direct effect on the success of a project.

Bret Weiss, WSB president & CEO, appointed to Governor’s Council on Connected and Automated Vehicles

Bret Weiss, WSB president & CEO, was appointed to the Governor’s Council on Connected and Automated Vehicles. Formed in 2019, the Council studies, prepares and assesses the opportunities and challenges associated with the widespread adoption of connected and automated vehicles and other intelligent and emerging transportation technologies.

Weiss joins 13 appointed members, twenty ex-officio members and co-chairs Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) commissioner and VSI Labs President, Phil Magney. Each appointed member must have relevant experience in the automotive industry, technology, cybersecurity and data privacy, business and finance, transit, higher education, workforce training, insurance, mobility, freight, labor, public safety, bicycle and pedestrian advocacy, elder care, or tort liability.

“I am thrilled to join such an esteemed group of innovators and trailblazers that will help advance Minnesota’s connected and autonomous vehicle efforts,” said Weiss. “The future of intelligent transportation systems is much closer than we think. As a state, we’re at the forefront of developing strategic solutions that will only help strengthen Minnesota’s infrastructure.”

Weiss’ experience with infrastructure-related engineering and transit systems will assist the Council as they work together to review connected and automated vehicle development and trends, explore partnership opportunities, propose policies to safely test and deploy connected and automated vehicles and consult with communities experiencing transportation barriers.

As a firm, WSB has partnered with MnDOT on several initiatives related to connected and automated vehicles including the current CAV Strategic Communications, Engagement, and Relationship Building Framework Plan, the Minnesota CAV Strategic Plan and the 2017/2018 testing of connected and automated vehicles in winter conditions.

Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan announced the appointments in a press release earlier this month. The full announcement is available at https://mn.gov/governor/news/?id=1055-442968.

25 stories for 25 years | Chuck Kochmann

On October 5, 2020, WSB will celebrate our 25th year in business. Since 1995, we’ve added new service areas, expanded our reach and served our communities.  Throughout our tenure, our dedicated staff has been a constant.

In honor of our 25th year, we’ll be highlighting 25 stories of the people behind the projects.

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Chuck Kochmann, Transportation Engineering Specialist | Joined WSB in 1995

What do you think is special about celebrating 25 years as a company?

I’ve been lucky to have worked at WSB since the very beginning. I’ve seen many people come and go over the years and maybe it’s just a job to them, but to me it’s more as a commitment to this company. It doesn’t seem like people stay at a company for 25 years anymore.  We started small and we’ve evolved into something much bigger. I really like what I do and the people I work with. I’ve had great opportunities to build my skills and relationships and I think that’s something special you can gain when you’ve worked somewhere for 25 years.

What has been the most memorable moment in your career at WSB?

One of my most memorable moments to-date happened recently. I was able to attend the ribbon cutting for the Rockford Road Bridge in Plymouth, Minn. This was an important and fast-paced project for a longstanding client. Going to the event and listening to people talk about how much this project meant to their community was gratifying. I am proud to have been part of that project.

What about your work gives you energy?

I really enjoy solving challenging problems. When there’s a complicated situation or a tight timeline it makes you dig a bit deeper and be more focused. I feel accomplished when we work together through a challenging project and doesn’t appear to work the way it should. It’s rewarding to find a design solution that fits seamlessly into the community.

How has WSB supported your career goals?

I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to mentor and teach new staff.  It’s fun to watch our staff evolve and grow. We try to erase the mistakes of the past before they happen. We all learn from the past while incorporating new ideas and our newest staff members get to take full advantage of the lessons we’ve learned while helping to shape the future.

Why do our clients continue to work with us?

I think our ability to consistently deliver solid designs and projects sets us apart. I think our clients depend on us to get the job done well. We are professionals in our project delivery, materials and how we manage things. Our projects reflect that.

25 stories for 25 years | Dan Rogers

On October 5, 2020, WSB will celebrate our 25th year in business. Since 1995, we’ve added new service areas, expanded our reach and served our communities.  Throughout our tenure, our dedicated staff has been a constant.

In honor of our 25th year, we’ll be highlighting 25 stories of the people behind the projects.

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Dan Rogers, Director of Transportation Design – Texas | Joined WSB in 2018

What do you think is special about celebrating 25 years as a company?

I think it’s very special to work for a company that has survived and prospered for 25 years. Throughout WSB’s entire tenure, it has maintained a high level of passion for providing exceptional services while staying true to the firm’s values. Although services have been added, we’ve remained committed to serving our clients with our expertise. I think this type of approach bodes well for the future of WSB.

What has been the most memorable moment in your career at WSB?

One of the most memorable moments was hearing Bret Weiss, our CEO, speak at the most recent annual dinner in Minneapolis. I felt inspired and energized after the event. Bret brings great passion to his work and I find it infectious.

We believe in building what’s next in infrastructure – how do you live that value in your work?

We’re really on the cutting-edge of embracing what’s next in infrastructure. In Texas, we are very focused on learning, implementing and ultimately excelling at BIM-based design.  Over the next few years, these platforms will help automate construction.  It’s exciting to not only be thinking of future innovations but leaning into the change in our industry.

What WSB value to you connect most with? (Bold, Visionary, Authentic, Passionate, Optimistic)

I connect most with our passionate value. I’m pretty passionate about what I do because at the end of the day, we’re making people’s lives better. We’re facilitating improvements to infrastructure that make the roads and water safer. I appreciate the opportunity to have an impact on the community and the people who live in them.

What is one thing you want to tell the future leaders of WSB?

Maintain leadership’s commitment to our core values.  Keep the ship running and continue to move forward. It’s easy for companies to shift priorities and direction with changes in leadership. WSB has come a long way in 25 years and maintaining those core values will help drive us successfully through the next 25.

Zweig Group honors WSB with Marketing Excellence Awards and Hot Firm listing

The Zweig Group, the leading research, publishing and advisory services resource for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, has honored WSB with four awards in marketing and overall firm growth.

Every year, the organization offers an awards program that specifically recognizes outstanding work within the AEC industry throughout North America.

Marketing Excellence Awards

Zweig recently announced the winners of the 2020 Marketing Excellence Awards for outstanding, results-driven marketing. Zweig awards the top five firms in each possible category. WSB ranked first place in two categories and second in another.

Award entries were judged by a team of marketing professionals and evaluated based upon overall creativity, messaging, results achieved by the campaign, and level of design.

External Newsletter | WSB Newsletter | 1st Place

The WSB Newsletter received a first-place award in the External Newsletter category and is our twice-yearly publication that we send to many of our clients. For nearly 10 years, WSB has mailed a newsletter highlighting projects, innovations, techniques and news. After our rebrand in 2018, we decided it was time to re-evaluate our newsletter strategy. We dedicate many of our resources to digital marketing and communications initiatives, but we still believe in the power of a well-done direct mail piece.

Internal Newsletter | Year In Review | 1st Place

The Year In Review received a first-place award in the Internal Newsletter category. The annual internal publication’s goal is simple – to tell the story of WSB to our staff. This year, we decided to take a unique approach to the assembly of our publication. We organized our content based on our firm values and wrote about our regional operations based on these values.

Internal Marketing | Intersection (WSB Internal Portal) | 2nd Place

WSB’s internal portal received a second-place award in the Internal Marketing category. WSB has always believed in creating a company culture that brings people together. As our firm expanded to 500 staff and 14 office locations across four states, we re-evaluated our internal communications to focus more heavily on sharing information and staying connected. The redesigned portal site offers an improved user experience featuring a mobile-friendly design, company directory, easy-to-access resources and enhanced search and navigation.

Hot Firm Award | #72

The Zweig Group announced the 2020 Hot Firm List in early July, honoring the fastest growing firms in the AEC industry. Firms are ranked based on three-year growth revenue, by both percentage and dollar growth. WSB ranked #72 on this year’s list marking our seventh consecutive year on the list.

Winners of the Marketing Excellence Awards and Hot Firm Award will be honored at the 2020 Elevate AEC Conference in Denver, CO, September 30-October 2 and at Zweig Group’s Virtual Elevate AEC Conference on October 16. Winners will also be featured in Zweig Group’s weekly management newsletter, The Zweig Letter, and Zweig Group’s other marketing channels.

The Complete list of Marketing Excellence Award Winners can be accessed here:  https://bit.ly/2W16Nxd. The complete list of Hot Firm winners can be accessed here: https://www.zweiggroup.com/2020-hot-firm-list/.

25 stories for 25 years | Kian Sabeti

On October 5, 2020, WSB will celebrate our 25th year in business. Since 1995, we’ve added new service areas, expanded our reach and served our communities.  Throughout our tenure, our dedicated staff has been a constant.

In honor of our 25th year, we’ll be highlighting 25 stories of the people behind the projects.

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Kian Sabeti, Vice President of Strategy | Joined WSB in 2015

What do you think is special about celebrating 25 years as a company? 

Twenty-five years is a milestone that defines success.  It’s a testament to the founders staying true to their vision through a commitment to their clients, partners, and employees. Over this period of time, WSB has grown from a small, five-person firm to today’s 500-employee strong company. 

Time is often measured through events and WSB has weathered Y2K, the Great Recession, and now COVID-19, among others.  Each time coming out stronger, which speaks to the perseverance and agility of our staff and leadership to navigate headwinds. 

During my own five-year tenure, I have seen firsthand the fortitude and true leadership of how we responded to the COVID-19 crisis.

What is one thing you want to tell the future leaders of WSB? 

Challenge yourself, be authentic, be passionate, trust your instincts and stay humble. The hallmark of a true leader is to lift and recognize the talented people around you. Know that there is an army of people here to help you build our next great success story.

What about your work gives you energy?

Winning work and satisfying clients, while mentoring the next generation of leaders, gives me energy.

Winning projects is the fuel behind the WSB engine. Strategizing our course of action, assembling the right team and writing winning proposals positions WSB for success and allows our staff and company to grow and prosper.

Mentoring is more than the transfer of advice and knowledge. The satisfaction of sharing skills and experience and developing a relationship with a mentee provides pure joy and stokes the passion to work each day.

25 stories for 25 years | Chris Petree

On October 5, 2020, WSB will celebrate our 25th year in business. Since 1995, we’ve added new service areas, expanded our reach and served our communities.  Throughout our tenure, our dedicated staff has been a constant.

In honor of our 25th year, we’ll be highlighting 25 stories of the people behind the projects.

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Chris Petree, Director of Rochester Operations | Joined WSB in 2019

What do you think is special about celebrating 25 years as a company? 

I remember when WSB was a small company and today we’ve grown into an industry leader without sacrificing our founding principles and core values. Throughout the firm’s 25 years, the team has led with integrity and integrity has remained a constant.

What has been the most memorable moment of your career at WSB? 

It wasn’t when I was employed with WSB, but rather when I was one of WSB’s clients. While I was in Lakeville as the Director of Public Works, I partnered with WSB to create a comprehensive pavement management program that resulted in one of the most aggressive street reconstruction programs in the state.  I’m extremely proud of what we accomplished together for the Lakeville community.

What WSB value do you connect most with? (Bold, Visionary, Authentic, Passionate, Optimistic) 

I connect with all of them, but honestly my top value is being authentic. I witnessed WSB’s authenticity as a client and I find it to be true as a staff member. I came to WSB after over 24 years in the public sector and I wasn’t asked to change my style, approach or beliefs. Instead, I have been encouraged to bring my authentic self to the clients we serve.

What about your work gives you energy? 

Making an impact for our clients and their communities.  It’s energizing to form partnerships and collaborate to find creative solutions not just for this generation, but for the generations of the future.

Why do our clients continue to work with us?   

I think clients work with us because of our core values.  We bring these values into every project, idea and client interaction.  I also think that WSB has hired and retained some of the top professionals in the industry and our clients benefit from that expertise.

Jack Corkle, Director of Transportation Planning, to lead as President of ACEC Minnesota

The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Minnesota Member Organization announced that Jack Corkle, WSB Director of Transportation Planning, will serve as their President for 2020-2021 starting July 1.

Shortly after joining WSB in 2012, Corkle was appointed as a member of ACEC Minnesota’s Board of Directors in 2013. She has served over seven years on the Board and is prepared to begin her new role as President, working alongside Executive Director, Jonathan Curry and President-Elect, Keith Jacobson. Corkle anticipates continuing ACEC’s work to promote the consulting engineering industry and plans to focus on partnership development within the Minnesota business community.

As President, Corkle will meet with state government officials to address legislation impacting the industry and secure opportunities for infrastructure project funding. Additionally, she will work with staff and others to develop educational and training programs for ACEC-affiliated firm members and continue to work with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and other agencies on strategies and planning for moving projects forward.

Additionally, Corkle is looking forward to bringing a more diverse talent pool to the Minnesota chapter. She believes that promoting an inclusive environment will strengthen the organization in the long-term. “We need new ideas, diversity of opinion and those who are passionate about the industry to be involved.”

WSB opens Austin office to expand engineering, design and consulting services for local clients

June 17, 2019

Austin, Texas – Fast-growing Minneapolis-based engineering firm WSB has cemented its entrance into the Austin market by opening a new office this week at 1221 S. Mopac Expressway in the Barton Hills neighborhood. WSB, which provides engineering, planning, environmental and construction services for the public and private sectors, has been active in the Austin area for the past two years.

“The Austin market has been a great fit for the culture of our company, and we’re very excited to establish a new office here so that we can continue to grow our team and expand the services available to our Austin area clients,” said WSB President and CEO Bret Weiss.

WSB entered the Austin market in 2017. In 2018, the firm acquired Austin-based Rogers Design Services (RDS), a well-respected local engineering firm. Now, WSB has six employees including the original staff from RDS and has immediate plans to increase staffing in Austin by more than 50 percent in the next year. The firm has worked with Hays County, Williamson County, the City of Cedar Park and the City of Georgetown on roadway and utility design projects as well as land-use planning.

“Like Minneapolis-St. Paul, Austin is a progressive capital city,” said Jay Kennedy, vice president of Texas Operations for WSB. “The region is growing rapidly and making smart investments in infrastructure. This is the type of environment where we can provide valuable insight and smart solutions to the challenges ahead.”

Headquartered in Minneapolis, WSB is the fourth-largest engineering firm in the Twin Cities. When it was founded in 1995, the company had five staff, one office and three different services areas. Today, the company offers services in more than 25 areas, employs more than 450 people and has expanded its markets beyond Minnesota with 12 offices across four different states.

WSB expands C-suite, opens Austin, Texas office to accommodate recent growth

June 17, 2019

Minneapolis, Minn. – Fast-growing Minneapolis engineering firm WSB has expanded its leadership team and opened an office in Austin, Texas this week, to accommodate significant growth in recent years. The company has grown 38 percent since 2015, and has added a chief financial officer, vice president of marketing and communications, and corporate counsel in the last year. Most recently, WSB named Jon Chiglo the company’s first-ever chief operating officer (COO). Chiglo, who also leads WSB’s transportation division, will help grow the business through new efficiencies and opportunities.

“WSB’s impressive growth is a testament to our commitment to our clients’ success, and our bold vision for the future,” said Chiglo. “I’m looking forward to taking on this role as we move into this new chapter.”

WSB is now the fourth-largest engineering firm in the Twin Cities. When it was founded in 1995, the company had five staff, one office and three different services areas. Today, the company offers services in more than 25 areas, employs more than 450 people and has expanded its markets beyond Minnesota with 12 offices across four different states. The firm opened its newest office this week in Austin, Texas, where they’ve been working with municipal clients for the past two years. Plans to open a new office in Denver later this year are underway as well.

“As we’re growing our roster of clients in the public and private sectors and building expertise in new practice areas, we felt it was important to grow our leadership team as well as our brick and mortar space to support better experiences for our clients,” said Bret Weiss, WSB President and CEO. “Since our inception in 1995, we’ve had a startup mentality. Now, we’ve reached a place where we can be more strategic about our future.”

WSB is ranked #7 on the Star Tribune’s 2019 Top Workplaces list, making its seventh consecutive appearance. The engineering firm was also recently named #66 on the Zweig Group’s Hot Firm List, the firm’s sixth consecutive appearance. Zweig’s Hot Firm list honors the fastest growing firms in the AEC industry.  Firms are ranked based on three-year revenue growth. Additionally, WSB received a number of prominent awards in the past year for work on projects such as Afton’s Old Village preservation and the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Corridors of Commerce project.